Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Is He a Cheater? 10 Obvious Signs of Cheating...

Hopefully you won’t find any of thesecheating signs in your husband, but nomarriage is foolproof. So it helps tokeep these points in mind just in caseyou need to tick them off your listsometime in the future!

1. Looks - Your husband is suddenlyover-aware about how his hair is set orif his socks smell good. This isdefinitely a sign to worry aboutespecially if he was a major slob earlier.

2. Overtime - Is your husband stayinglate at work more often than not? Doeshe have unexplained meetings or suddenbusiness trips too often? Watch out forthese telling signs. If he’s reallyworking late then his salary stub shouldshow it.

3. Car cleanliness - He wants that junkof a car extra clean all the time! Nowhe doesn’t want your comb in the glovecompartment and toys in the back seat.What happened? Does he want to do awaywith indications of a family?

4. Hair evidence - You’re folding hisshirts but happen upon a long blondehair. Now that’s perfectly fine exceptif you’re a brunette and you have abrown haired son! Too many blonde hairscan spell trouble.

5. Shirtless - He doesn’t want to takehis shirt off. Is he hiding anunexplained bruise? He wants to showerwith the bathroom door locked on theinside. These are troubling signs of acheating husband.

6. Stomach upset - You’ve cooked awonderful meal but he is suddenly fullor not hungry. His favorite dishes areleft on the table three weekends in arow. Where is he eating his meals?

7. Perfume evidence - You don’t likefloral perfumes, but what’s it doing onyour husband’s laundry? That smell isbecoming more and more familiar to youand it’s not yours!

8. Lies - Cover up. You can see it amile away. You’re used to spotting a liewhen your son is the guilty one, but nowyour husband isn’t being truthful. Hedoesn’t look you in the eye anymore.

9. Emails - He’s at the computer almostall the time. He has new email accountsand you don’t have the password. Hecloses down chat windows when you walkinto the room. Is he hiding hiscommunication to someone?

10. Bank accounts - Unexplained paymentsat jewelry stores and gift shops whenyou haven’t received a gift from him inmonths. Who is he buying these gifts foranyway? Hmm

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