1. If u think a girl is beautiful,
she'll always have a boyfriend to
confirm that..........
2. The nicer she is...the quicker u
will be dumped!!!!!
3. More the makeup, Worse the looks...
4. "95% of the girls in this world are
beautiful. Remaining 5% would
always be around you...
5. The guy standing next to a
beautiful girl can never be her
6. If by any chance the girl you
like , likes you too, she will let you
know in about 10 years from now ,when
you are committed to some one
7. The more you ignore a girl, the
more she'll want to be friends with
8. Theory of relativity.. ....
The more u run after a hot
chick....the more she runs away from
9. Even if you got her out alone...
just when you are about to let her
know about your feelings...she will
spot a long lost friend I guess
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Saying I love you...........
The all times special three-lettersword, “I Love You” is what we wouldalways be hearing when we talk aboutlove. It is the words that one would useto express their feeling of affectionfor their very loved ones. But still,why is it that at times one simply justrefuses to say it to their love? Therehave indeed been a lot of postings fromfriends in our forum having suchexperience. Despite of them saying it totheir partner, they just never got itback from their love. It is for suredisappointing and at times just hurting,isn’t it? Are you one of them? One whois still waiting to be hearing thatspecial words from your love or perhapsone who has yet to say it to your love?Now, why wouldn’t one say it? Why wouldone be reluctant in saying it to theirlove, saying an I love you to them?
Hmmm…? Perhaps having the fear ofshouldering that responsibility behindthese powerful words? Yes, it is in away true. You shouldn’t be saying I loveyou to someone unless you truly mean it.Once it is said, you can never take it back.Well in fact, a friend in our forum didshare with us a thought of what he heardfrom a Christian pastor on a radioprogramme. In the belief of the pastor,a man shouldn’t be telling a woman thathe loves her unless the very next wordsare “Will you marry me?” Again, it isindeed in a way true. But if you were toask me, I am just going to tell you thatit certainly need not has to be thatserious or maybe a better word to bedescribing, scary. Yes, marriage shouldwithout doubts be the ultimateconsideration of all love relationshipat the end of the day. But do let mejust ask, how soon do you see yourselfgetting married?Well, there has to certainly be aconsiderable time of being togetherbefore the relationship would furtherdevelop into the stage of marriage. Forsome, a year or two and for some, up toeven a duration of 5 to 7 years beforereaching this stage. So are you notgoing to be saying “I love you” to yourlove during these times, not even once?
This certainly shouldn’t be the way. Ahealthy love relationship shouldn’t be so.Now may I just ask, why is it that youwant to be with that love of yours?Because you enjoy his or her presence,always enjoying your time with him orher? Precisely! A healthy relationshipshould always be an enjoyable one, onewhich both enjoy spending their timewith one another over and over again.There is no need to make yourself befeeling so stressed. A healthyrelationship should never be a stressfulone. Having to deal with the fast pacedworld can be stressful enough at times.And so when it comes to yourrelationship with your loved one, itshould be a relaxing and enjoyable one.It is only when you enjoy the time withone another, will you ever then have thethoughts of spending that life of yourswith him or her. Isn’t it so? Saying Ilove you is just a way of expressingyour affection for your love. It doesn’thave to be that stressful. It shouldinstead just come from within yourheart, in a very joyful and relaxingmood… To be getting an “I love You” fromyour love is just always that sweet. Andto be saying it to your love, is a niceway of assuring and promising him or her of your very love for them..
So, why not say it to them? Tell yourvery love just how much you love him orher. You need not have to wait for himor her. You can definitely be taking theinitiative. Why not? I am sure that yourlove would just love to be hearing itfrom you. Wouldn’t you love to behearing it from your very loved one too?Nonetheless, this can be a good way ofkeeping that flame of love between theboth just ever burning and sparkling… Tobe getting an assurance of love fromyour partner, isn’t that what you wouldlove to be receiving? But do remember,it is still always the actions thatspeak louder than to words. Now, maybethat him or her of yours has yet to saythat very three-letters word to you buthow has he or she treated you all thesewhile, you should know it best. Thattender, love and care from him or her isafterall what that truly matter? Well,if he or she truly loves you, it isgoing to be just a matter of time whenhe or she will say it to you. Believe inyourself, your love and yourrelationship. Be patient in love.
Saying an “I love You” to your loved oneis for sure nice. But then again, youdon’t have to always be saying it justvery here and then. Remember, the wordshave to come from truly within yourheart, in a very joyful and relaxingmood. And only so, will the realwarmness and meaningfulness of the wordsbe there; to be touching that very heartof that beloved of yours. Well, savethem for during those special occasionsor when the correct mood or timing isthere… And last but not least, don’tforget to response back in saying an “Ilove you too” to your love when youreceived it from him or her. Arelationship is always a two-waycommunication, isn’t it? Don’tdisappoint your love. Well, you may notbe ready now but when the correct timingarrives when you feel the want to besaying it, just do it. Be courageous inlove…
Hmmm…? Perhaps having the fear ofshouldering that responsibility behindthese powerful words? Yes, it is in away true. You shouldn’t be saying I loveyou to someone unless you truly mean it.Once it is said, you can never take it back.Well in fact, a friend in our forum didshare with us a thought of what he heardfrom a Christian pastor on a radioprogramme. In the belief of the pastor,a man shouldn’t be telling a woman thathe loves her unless the very next wordsare “Will you marry me?” Again, it isindeed in a way true. But if you were toask me, I am just going to tell you thatit certainly need not has to be thatserious or maybe a better word to bedescribing, scary. Yes, marriage shouldwithout doubts be the ultimateconsideration of all love relationshipat the end of the day. But do let mejust ask, how soon do you see yourselfgetting married?Well, there has to certainly be aconsiderable time of being togetherbefore the relationship would furtherdevelop into the stage of marriage. Forsome, a year or two and for some, up toeven a duration of 5 to 7 years beforereaching this stage. So are you notgoing to be saying “I love you” to yourlove during these times, not even once?
This certainly shouldn’t be the way. Ahealthy love relationship shouldn’t be so.Now may I just ask, why is it that youwant to be with that love of yours?Because you enjoy his or her presence,always enjoying your time with him orher? Precisely! A healthy relationshipshould always be an enjoyable one, onewhich both enjoy spending their timewith one another over and over again.There is no need to make yourself befeeling so stressed. A healthyrelationship should never be a stressfulone. Having to deal with the fast pacedworld can be stressful enough at times.And so when it comes to yourrelationship with your loved one, itshould be a relaxing and enjoyable one.It is only when you enjoy the time withone another, will you ever then have thethoughts of spending that life of yourswith him or her. Isn’t it so? Saying Ilove you is just a way of expressingyour affection for your love. It doesn’thave to be that stressful. It shouldinstead just come from within yourheart, in a very joyful and relaxingmood… To be getting an “I love You” fromyour love is just always that sweet. Andto be saying it to your love, is a niceway of assuring and promising him or her of your very love for them..
So, why not say it to them? Tell yourvery love just how much you love him orher. You need not have to wait for himor her. You can definitely be taking theinitiative. Why not? I am sure that yourlove would just love to be hearing itfrom you. Wouldn’t you love to behearing it from your very loved one too?Nonetheless, this can be a good way ofkeeping that flame of love between theboth just ever burning and sparkling… Tobe getting an assurance of love fromyour partner, isn’t that what you wouldlove to be receiving? But do remember,it is still always the actions thatspeak louder than to words. Now, maybethat him or her of yours has yet to saythat very three-letters word to you buthow has he or she treated you all thesewhile, you should know it best. Thattender, love and care from him or her isafterall what that truly matter? Well,if he or she truly loves you, it isgoing to be just a matter of time whenhe or she will say it to you. Believe inyourself, your love and yourrelationship. Be patient in love.
Saying an “I love You” to your loved oneis for sure nice. But then again, youdon’t have to always be saying it justvery here and then. Remember, the wordshave to come from truly within yourheart, in a very joyful and relaxingmood. And only so, will the realwarmness and meaningfulness of the wordsbe there; to be touching that very heartof that beloved of yours. Well, savethem for during those special occasionsor when the correct mood or timing isthere… And last but not least, don’tforget to response back in saying an “Ilove you too” to your love when youreceived it from him or her. Arelationship is always a two-waycommunication, isn’t it? Don’tdisappoint your love. Well, you may notbe ready now but when the correct timingarrives when you feel the want to besaying it, just do it. Be courageous inlove…
Caring For Each Other In Love.....
A lot is written and discussed about love. What is love? What are the different types of love? What phasesdoes love go through? And so on. Youpresume that when someone says that 'Ilove you', he/she cares for you. He/she cares for your likes and dislikes, caresf or your comfort, cares to keep youhappy and takes care not to hurt you.And you do the same for him/her. Unlessone cares, how can love be complete?
It is like saying that you love birds.One day, when you find an injured bird,you don't pick it up and take it to get treated. Can you still say that you lovebirds? Many relationships suffer immeasurably, because partners claim that they love each other, but show no care.
It is like saying - 'I love him/her somuch, but I fail to understand how to keep him/her happy? I don't understand what to do? I feel so helpless.' What use is love if this is the position? If you love someone so much, try to findout. Rather you should know. Either you don't love, or the other person has changed beyond recognition for you and you really feel helpless. It is the memory of the old love that makes you say- 'I love him/her so much. The present reality is different.'Many times, those who claim to love someone, ask him/her to do something totally against his/her values. They force this as a price for their love. 'I love you so much. Cannot you do this for me?' Is this love? If you truly love,you will never ask somebody to act against his/her conscience. You will never hurt like this.
Love word gets misused often. Most ofthe people don't love. That was
infatuation for some time and now thatis over. Now on the pretext of love,they want to continue a relationship that gives only pain...
It is like saying that you love birds.One day, when you find an injured bird,you don't pick it up and take it to get treated. Can you still say that you lovebirds? Many relationships suffer immeasurably, because partners claim that they love each other, but show no care.
It is like saying - 'I love him/her somuch, but I fail to understand how to keep him/her happy? I don't understand what to do? I feel so helpless.' What use is love if this is the position? If you love someone so much, try to findout. Rather you should know. Either you don't love, or the other person has changed beyond recognition for you and you really feel helpless. It is the memory of the old love that makes you say- 'I love him/her so much. The present reality is different.'Many times, those who claim to love someone, ask him/her to do something totally against his/her values. They force this as a price for their love. 'I love you so much. Cannot you do this for me?' Is this love? If you truly love,you will never ask somebody to act against his/her conscience. You will never hurt like this.
Love word gets misused often. Most ofthe people don't love. That was
infatuation for some time and now thatis over. Now on the pretext of love,they want to continue a relationship that gives only pain...
Is He a Cheater? 10 Obvious Signs of Cheating...
Hopefully you won’t find any of thesecheating signs in your husband, but nomarriage is foolproof. So it helps tokeep these points in mind just in caseyou need to tick them off your listsometime in the future!
1. Looks - Your husband is suddenlyover-aware about how his hair is set orif his socks smell good. This isdefinitely a sign to worry aboutespecially if he was a major slob earlier.
2. Overtime - Is your husband stayinglate at work more often than not? Doeshe have unexplained meetings or suddenbusiness trips too often? Watch out forthese telling signs. If he’s reallyworking late then his salary stub shouldshow it.
3. Car cleanliness - He wants that junkof a car extra clean all the time! Nowhe doesn’t want your comb in the glovecompartment and toys in the back seat.What happened? Does he want to do awaywith indications of a family?
4. Hair evidence - You’re folding hisshirts but happen upon a long blondehair. Now that’s perfectly fine exceptif you’re a brunette and you have abrown haired son! Too many blonde hairscan spell trouble.
5. Shirtless - He doesn’t want to takehis shirt off. Is he hiding anunexplained bruise? He wants to showerwith the bathroom door locked on theinside. These are troubling signs of acheating husband.
6. Stomach upset - You’ve cooked awonderful meal but he is suddenly fullor not hungry. His favorite dishes areleft on the table three weekends in arow. Where is he eating his meals?
7. Perfume evidence - You don’t likefloral perfumes, but what’s it doing onyour husband’s laundry? That smell isbecoming more and more familiar to youand it’s not yours!
8. Lies - Cover up. You can see it amile away. You’re used to spotting a liewhen your son is the guilty one, but nowyour husband isn’t being truthful. Hedoesn’t look you in the eye anymore.
9. Emails - He’s at the computer almostall the time. He has new email accountsand you don’t have the password. Hecloses down chat windows when you walkinto the room. Is he hiding hiscommunication to someone?
10. Bank accounts - Unexplained paymentsat jewelry stores and gift shops whenyou haven’t received a gift from him inmonths. Who is he buying these gifts foranyway? Hmm
1. Looks - Your husband is suddenlyover-aware about how his hair is set orif his socks smell good. This isdefinitely a sign to worry aboutespecially if he was a major slob earlier.
2. Overtime - Is your husband stayinglate at work more often than not? Doeshe have unexplained meetings or suddenbusiness trips too often? Watch out forthese telling signs. If he’s reallyworking late then his salary stub shouldshow it.
3. Car cleanliness - He wants that junkof a car extra clean all the time! Nowhe doesn’t want your comb in the glovecompartment and toys in the back seat.What happened? Does he want to do awaywith indications of a family?
4. Hair evidence - You’re folding hisshirts but happen upon a long blondehair. Now that’s perfectly fine exceptif you’re a brunette and you have abrown haired son! Too many blonde hairscan spell trouble.
5. Shirtless - He doesn’t want to takehis shirt off. Is he hiding anunexplained bruise? He wants to showerwith the bathroom door locked on theinside. These are troubling signs of acheating husband.
6. Stomach upset - You’ve cooked awonderful meal but he is suddenly fullor not hungry. His favorite dishes areleft on the table three weekends in arow. Where is he eating his meals?
7. Perfume evidence - You don’t likefloral perfumes, but what’s it doing onyour husband’s laundry? That smell isbecoming more and more familiar to youand it’s not yours!
8. Lies - Cover up. You can see it amile away. You’re used to spotting a liewhen your son is the guilty one, but nowyour husband isn’t being truthful. Hedoesn’t look you in the eye anymore.
9. Emails - He’s at the computer almostall the time. He has new email accountsand you don’t have the password. Hecloses down chat windows when you walkinto the room. Is he hiding hiscommunication to someone?
10. Bank accounts - Unexplained paymentsat jewelry stores and gift shops whenyou haven’t received a gift from him inmonths. Who is he buying these gifts foranyway? Hmm
if i dont call you [ Its because im waiting for you tocall me ]
When i walk away from you mad [ Follow me ]
When i stare at your mouth [ Kiss me ]
When i push you or hit you [ Grab me and dont let go ]
When i start cussing at you [ Kiss me and tell me you love me ]
When im quiet [ Ask me whats wrong ]
When i ignore you [ Give me your attention ]
When i pull away [ Pull me back ]
When you see me at my worst [ Tell me im beautiful ]
When you see me start crying [ Hold me and tell me everything willbe alright ]
When you see me walking [ Sneak up and hug my waist frombehind ]
When im scared [ Protect me ]
When i lay my head on your shoulder [ Tilt my head up and kiss me ]
When i tease you [ Tease me back and make me laugh ]
When i dont answer for a long time [ reassure me that everything is okay ]
When i look at you with doubt [ Back yourself up ]
When i say that i like you [ I really do more than you couldunderstand ]
When i grab at your hands [ Hold mine and play with my fingers ]
When i bump into you [ bump into me back and make me laugh ]
When i tell you a secret [ keep it safe and untold ]
When i look at you in your eyes [ dont look away until i do ]
When i miss you [ im hurting inside ]
When you break my heart [ the pain never really goes away ]
When i say its over [ i still want you to be mine ]
When i walk away from you mad [ Follow me ]
When i stare at your mouth [ Kiss me ]
When i push you or hit you [ Grab me and dont let go ]
When i start cussing at you [ Kiss me and tell me you love me ]
When im quiet [ Ask me whats wrong ]
When i ignore you [ Give me your attention ]
When i pull away [ Pull me back ]
When you see me at my worst [ Tell me im beautiful ]
When you see me start crying [ Hold me and tell me everything willbe alright ]
When you see me walking [ Sneak up and hug my waist frombehind ]
When im scared [ Protect me ]
When i lay my head on your shoulder [ Tilt my head up and kiss me ]
When i tease you [ Tease me back and make me laugh ]
When i dont answer for a long time [ reassure me that everything is okay ]
When i look at you with doubt [ Back yourself up ]
When i say that i like you [ I really do more than you couldunderstand ]
When i grab at your hands [ Hold mine and play with my fingers ]
When i bump into you [ bump into me back and make me laugh ]
When i tell you a secret [ keep it safe and untold ]
When i look at you in your eyes [ dont look away until i do ]
When i miss you [ im hurting inside ]
When you break my heart [ the pain never really goes away ]
When i say its over [ i still want you to be mine ]
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